The Aztec WorkSmart Concrete SystemTM
As more and more stores and businesses go in the direction of having polished concrete and terrazzo floors, you will need to make sure you are prepared with the highest quality machines available.  Our concrete and terrazzo grinding and polishing machines are the highest quality and the best price in the industry. Serious contractors know that bigger, heavier machines usually make for lighter work. It is easier to drive a 4” nail with 20 oz. hammer than an 8 oz. hammer; and if you are doing framing, you might need a 32 oz. hammer. Similarly with concrete polishing, bigger and heavier machines with planetary motion are much faster and more aggressive than smaller rotary machines, getting the job done faster. Additionally the planetary scratch pattern is far superior than the hole-digging of rotary machines which then try to blend the holes together by moving in circles. The UltraGrind System consists of heavy-duty contractor-grade machinery, propane powered and made in the USA. The Refresher, while lighter than a grinder because its purpose is to rejuvenate previously polished concrete, is heavier duty than any other machine made for the same purpose and is contractor-grade just like its larger cousins.
Click on our Concrete and Terrazzo machine menu below, or you can contact us now, watch our equipment videos, or request literature for more information!