Carbon Monoxide Sensor Badge


Aztec Approved CO Sensor for Propane Powered Floor Equipment

Part # 090-CM-BADGE

Easy to install on your propane equipment and monitor air quality safety. Apply the badge to your propane floor machine and have peace of mind. This badge is a passive carbon monoxide detector and can detect as little as 100 parts per million (ppm) carbon monoxide gas at an approximate relative humidity range of 33 to 50%.

The PurePowerLPG Engines have the LOWEST EMISSIONS in the industry and is featured on the following propane powered floor machines:

LowRider Propane Burnisher * Refresher Multi-Purpose Floor Refreshing System * Sidewinder Propane Stripping System * UltraEdge Propane Concrete Edger UltraGrind Propane Concrete and Terrazzo Grinder